With the development of technology, new developments occur in hair transplantation and hair loss treatments every day.

The FUE Hair Transplant Method is one of the most common hair transplantation techniques. The natural results obtained by FUE Hair Transplantation are achieved. FUE Hair Transplants used in the Metal Slit (Steel Slit) instead of the very precious metal Safir special inserts are used. Instead of metal slits, natural results were carried a step further by using special tools with sapphire tip. Thanks to these sapphire nibs, small micro channels can be opened in the area where hair follicles will be planted and minimal crusting occurs. Thus, the improvement becomes shorter.

Comparison of FUE Hair Transplantation with Sapphire FUE and Metal Slit

FUE Hair Transplantation Technique is the use of special inserts produced from sapphire instead of metal slit (steel slit) at the grooving stage.

FUE Hair Transplantation with sapphire tip is not a new hair transplantation technique, it is an innovation applied in FUE Hair Transplantation Method. Thanks to these sapphire nibs, small micro channels can be opened in the area where hair follicles will be planted and minimal crusting occurs. Thus, the improvement becomes shorter.

In FUE Hair Transplant Method (Follicular Unit Extraction) performed with a sapphire tip, the hair follicles are taken from the donor region by micro-motor under local anesthesia, using micro-tips with diameters ranging from 0.6 – 0.7 – 0.8 mm. Hair follicles collected from the donor area should be planted in the channels to be opened in FUE method.

Correct opening of these channels is very important because the direction, angle and frequency of the hair are directly related to the opening channels. Therefore, the opening of channels is the most important step in the success of an operation.

Micro channels are best opened with these special sapphire inserts. Hair follicles are planted in these channels opened with sapphire ends. These sapphire inserts are sharp, smooth and durable, between 1.0 -1.3 -1.5 mm. Because the small channels of the sapphire ends are of the hair root size, more channels are opened and the hair follicles are planted closer to each other. Thus, more natural hair is achieved.

Advantages of FUE Hair Transplantation with Sapphire Tip According to FUE Hair Transplantation with Metal Slit (Steel Slit):
  • Bizimle Temas Kurun

    • Bizimle İletişim Kurun



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